ADP asked us to create an introductory video to a new platform that promises to revolutionize HR needs for big and small businesses by generating more “Flow”.
We worked directly with the ADP marketing team in order to take a deep dive into the new system’s capabilities. Bonfire developed a concept around a central series of color “Orbs”. These symbolized a robust set of tools that offers greater collaboration and express the idea of flow. A key component of this story was showing a ‘breakout’ moment where a panel from the old rigid way of working transforms into a colorful glass Orb. We animated hundreds of these glass Orbs in a way that inspires harmony, balance, and complexity all at once. A core collection of Orbs were designed to be part of the brand DNA and expressed a new way of thinking and giving people the different tools to choose how to work.
Bonfire used a combination of C4D and Maya in order to choreograph these animated scenes which was assembled in Adobe After Effects.
Bonfire used a combination of C4D and Maya in order to choreograph these animated scenes which was assembled in Adobe After Effects.